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Blue Fin Tuna

The Bluefin Tuna is one of WWF's more recent exploits. Due to overfishing in unsustainable conditions, these fish are dying out. WWF has co-founded the Marine Sterwardship Council, an independent organization which certifies sustainable fishing. So all the customers have to do is look for their symbol, and they can feel good about eating their sandwich (Source).

Amur Leopard

This species of cat only has 30 individuals left, due to poaching, destruction of their habitat and destruction of their prey (Source)

Read more here:


There are many types of tigers, and collectively there are only around 3200 left in the wild. Their population is declining thanks to poaching, destruction of habitat and strangely enough, themselves, because of their rapidily shrinking space (Source).

More about tigers:




Giant Panda


There are only around 1600 giant pandas left, and they are rapidly nearing extinction. They are the rarest member of the bear family and spend most of their time eating. Sadly, their habitats are being destroyed quickly, and soon only reserves will be safe havens from poachers and habitat loss (Source).

For more, go here:



Polar Bears

While polar bears are still a ways of from where the giant panda is, it is still quite vunerable to extinction. Due to climate change, the ice in the Arctic is melting and is leaving the polar bear with less land to live on. This means more time swimming, which is hard when you have to do it constanly for hours. Polar bears hunt fifty percent of the time, but are only successful two percent of the time.


WWF has hundreds of projects, each in a different place all over the world. All of them are important, and to go over them all would be next to impossible, so below are just a few of some of their projects.

A small informercial on Giant Pandas by WWF

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